Schnee, wo bist Du?

Christmas and New Year’s are already over, which means winter break is also over. Since the last time I posted, I celebrated New Year’s Eve or Silvester in German at a family friend’s house. And there, we had something called Raclette. Raclette is a Swiss dish and also a type of cheese. The cheese is heated under a special Raclette oven and then it is later scraped onto to plate. Raclette is eaten with potatoes, meat, corn, broccoli, mushrooms, and other vegetables.


And then afterwards, we let off fireworks and Wunderkerzen.


But I have to say, New Year’s Eve here in Germany is definitely different as NYE in the US. Normally, in the US, we watch the ball drop in Madison Square on TV and then watching fireworks. And for me, it seems like a big celebration on New Year’s Eve in America. In Germany, there is no live show from Madison Square or no ball dropping. Instead, it was a series of concerts on TV and lighting off and watching fireworks.

A few days after New Year’s, my host family and I went to Iserlohn and Dortmund for a weekend. And here are some pictures that I took:








And since I’ve been here, I think it’s only snowed twice..and not a lot. It’s been rather warm for it to be winter. Oh well.



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